Real estate

Chaltenbodenstrasse 6a-f

HSC Fund

The property, consisting of three separate buildings, offers generously dimensioned and flexible rental space for office, sales, gastronomy and commercial use. In addition, the existing truck loading ramp allows for efficient loading and unloading of goods. The property's petrol station promotes vehicle frequency.


Last update 30.06.2024

Market value CHF 25.65 Mio.
Asset type Office / trade property
Zone Industriezone
Year of construction 1960, 2004 , 2005
Last renovation 2015, 2017, 2021
Building details 6'667 m2
Ownership Condominium ownership


Last update 30.06.2024

Approximate energy efficiency D
Heating System District heating
Energy Intensity 150 kWh/m²
CO₂-Intensity 5 kg CO₂/m²

Share by type

Last update 30.06.2024

Commerce 43.8%
Office 24.1%
Diverse 10.4%
Residential 8.1%
Warehouse 6.7%
Sale 5.0%
Education 1.9%


Last update 30.06.2024

Scale: 1 (poor) to 5 (good)
Location quality 3.4
Object quality 3.6
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Nearest motorway access only a few minutes drive away- Situated directly on a busy road- In the middle of the industrial quarter of Schindellegi- Surrounded by office, retail and entertainment uses as well as accommodation- Various shopping and catering facilities in the vicinity