Quick. Secure. Transparent.

Helvetica's Brokerage Promise

Our transaction activities are significantly based on partnerships that provide us with crucial access to exclusive real estate deals. To intensify these partnerships, we rely on five proven success factors in addition to our highly professional transaction team, which has enabled us to establish an excellent reputation, a broad network, and a portfolio of CHF 2 billion over the past years. Simultaneously, we aim to position ourselves as a preferred partner among our partners thanks to these factors.

1. Execution Certainty

We deliver high-quality service and ensure successful transactions, giving brokers the peace of mind to focus on driving their business forward.

2. Swift Decision-Making

We make informed decisions promptly, using streamlined processes to stay competitive and capitalize on opportunities, appreciating our brokers' vital role in the industry.

3. Clear Communication

We prioritize open, transparent dialogue, providing brokers with the information and support they need for seamless collaboration towards shared goals.

4. Trust and Integrity

Upholding honesty, ethics, and accountability, we cherish the trust our brokers place in us and build strong partnerships to achieve exceptional results.

5. Flexibility and Adaptability

We adjust our strategies to market fluctuations and transaction requirements, supporting our brokers in navigating challenges with a solutions-focused mindset.

Our Acquisition Profile

Object TypeVolumeMacro LocationMicro Location
  • Multi-family houses
  • Mixed-use buildings with a larger proportion of residential use
  • Projects (Forward Deals): approved or in execution
  • Individual assets from CHF 8 million or at least 10 residential units
  • Suburban / out-of-town locations
  • Small and medium centers
  • Agglomerations
  • German-speaking and Western Switzerland
  • Well connected by both private and public transport
  • Basic amenities in the vicinity (shopping, education)
Sustainability and ConditionDeal StructureOwnership Type 
  • Newly valued assets that qualify for a GEAK A/B/C rating
  • Older properties that will need renovation in the next 5-7 years and have corresponding structural and rental potential
  • Asset Deal
  • Contributions in kind
  • Sole ownership
  • Building lease possible (public authority as lessor)
  • No condominium ownership
