
Asset Management

  • Preparation of the budget, including operating costs, necessary maintenance and CAPEX.
  • Preparation of a rolling, long-term plan for maintenance and repair works.
  • Implementation of the approved budget and a long-term plan through direct influence and/or constant supervision of third-party property managers.
  • Undertaking of necessary communication measures.
  • Arrangement of appropriate insurance coverage of the properties.
  • Creation, amendment and release of the necessary easements and other rights in rem on the properties as well as contractual agreements including periodic review and adaption of the rent situation.
  • Regular control of the condition of the properties and correspondence with key tenants.

Your contact person

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Dominik Fischer
Chief Investment Officer,
Member of the Executive Team
T +41 43 444 70 93