Real estate

Oberdorfstrasse 2/6/8a-d

HSC Fund

The commercial property offers numerous ground-floor sales areas in various sizes. The delivery at the rear of the building and the large number of storage rooms in the basement offer optimal conditions for a wholesaler and retailer. Customers have access to both an above-ground car park and an underground car park.


Last update 30.06.2024

Market value CHF 23.45 Mio.
Asset type Sales property
Zone Wohnzone 3 / Kernzone Altstadt
Year of construction 1983
Building details 11'492 m2
Ownership Condominium ownership


Last update 30.06.2024

Approximate energy efficiency F
Heating System Oil
Energy Intensity 280 kWh/m²
CO₂-Intensity 35 kg CO₂/m²

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Last update 30.06.2024

Diverse 82.8%
Commerce 8.1%
Warehouse 3.5%
Sale 3.5%


Last update 30.06.2024

Scale: 1 (poor) to 5 (good)
Location quality 4.4
Object quality 3.5
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Only a few minutes walk from Baar railway station- A4 motorway exit within easy reach- Nearest bus stop in the immediate vicinity- In the middle of the "Oberdorf" residential district- Surrounded by public infrastructure