Gwatt (Thun)
Schorenstrasse 39

HSC Fund

The ultra-modern property comprises two building sections built together. On the one hand a production building and on the other hand an office building. The high and wide production building offers the best conditions for the production and storage of materials. The spacious outdoor parking area and the underground garage allow easy access by private vehicle.


Last update 30.06.2024

Market value CHF 48.97 Mio.
Asset type Trade / office property
Zone Arbeiten A
Year of construction 2011
Building details 18'720 m2
Ownership Sole ownership in building law


Last update 30.06.2024

Approximate energy efficiency C
Heating System
Energy Intensity 120 kWh/m²
CO₂-Intensity 1 kg CO₂/m²

Share by type

Last update 30.06.2024

Office 48.4%
Commerce 37.5%
Warehouse 20.8%
Sale 6.5%
Secondary use commercial 0.4%


Last update 30.06.2024

Scale: 1 (poor) to 5 (good)
Location quality 3.5
Object quality 4.2
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Nearest bus stop directly in front of the property- Not far from the Thun-Süd motorway entrance/exit- Thun railway station just a few minutes drive away- In the working zone around three kilometres from the centre of Thun- Shopping facilities and restaurants in the immediate vicinity