Brunnmatt 14

HSC Fund

The L-shaped property offers four full floors and an attic floor with modern and as-new rental space. The high flexibility of the individual spaces allows for an individual layout according to preferences. The large number of above-ground and underground parking spaces offers both customers and employees the possibility of convenient access by private transport.


Last update 30.06.2024

Market value CHF 15.38 Mio.
Asset type Sales / office property
Zone Wohn-/Arbeitszone 3
Year of construction 2003
Building details 3'807 m2
Ownership Sole ownership


Last update 30.06.2024

Approximate energy efficiency D
Heating System Gas
Energy Intensity 170 kWh/m²
CO₂-Intensity 12 kg CO₂/m²

Share by type

Last update 30.06.2024

Diverse 47.2%
Commerce 33.3%
Warehouse 6.7%
Sale 6.3%


Last update 30.06.2024

Scale: 1 (poor) to 5 (good)
Location quality 3.0
Object quality 3.4
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Directly by the A4 highway access road and exitBus stop in the immediate vicinityTown center of Cham just a few minutes’ drive awayProperty located directly adjacent to a quiet residential quarterCanton of Zug, very close to the city of Zug