Real estate

Kantonsstrasse 115, Grossfeld

HSC Fund

Thanks to the wide and high construction, the property offers generous space for manufacturing and storage. The large number of delivery ramps enables efficient goods handling. In addition, numerous outdoor parking spaces are available to tenants around the building.


Last update 30.06.2024

Market value CHF 17.26 Mio.
Asset type Trade property
Zone Arbeitszone IV
Year of construction 1993
Last renovation 2008
Building details 14'377 m2
Ownership Sole ownership


Last update 30.06.2024

Approximate energy efficiency E
Heating System Oil
Energy Intensity 219 kWh/m²
CO₂-Intensity 20 kg CO₂/m²

Share by type

Last update 30.06.2024

Office 85.8%
Commerce 6.4%


Last update 30.06.2024

Scale: 1 (poor) to 5 (good)
Location quality 3.7
Object quality 3.0
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Nearest bus stop in the immediate vicinity- Motorway access to the A1 only a few minutes drive away- Village centre of Triengen within a few minutes walk- Surrounded by commerce and industry- Shopping and catering facilities in the immediate vicinity